Sunday, December 14, 2008


just realize :
  • that my money is getting lil day by day.. lol...
anyways work to get money.. then spending it is normal...
oh yea... i wanna thank some1 that he took the blame together with me even when he is innocent.. i am thankful and thank GOD for him!! but i felt guilty for him... i mean it is my fault to begin with..
  • never think before i do, go & say.
maybe i should keep quite and stop joking around. since i got complain all over the place i go. work, church, home. feel so useless. i feel like giving up and just DIE!
  • friend do hurt each other.
i have been like close to everyone, but not very very close to say best friend. well, i have been hearing couples backstabbing other couples, friends betraying one another, saying things that should not be said. insulting each other. it might be a joke to one but it is a pain to the other. fun is fun, cross the line means crossing the line. jokes is funny but sometimes it is just too much. i am not talking about me only, but everyone out there.. you should know the feeling.
  • time is flying in a split second.
it is already Christmas.. so much thing to do Christmas dance, Christmas choir, Christmas dinner, Christmas service, Christmas eve dating, dating... LOL!! not long from now it is going to be NEW YEAR! then CHINESE NEW YEAR!. and then CHEQ UP 2009.
  • i am irresponssible
i suck at responssible stuff.. twice in a row i suck at my pose. never take up the time to go take car lisence, useless.
  • i need to work out.
getting fat by the second. lol... to fat already. i keep looking at my picture and it makes me look fat and fatter and fatter. so i need to work out and control my diet.
  • people always remember the bad thing you have done more then the good one
i really dont understand ppl this days. their brain is so full of shit to the point the can only remember the bad stuff you do. am i wrong?? everyone deserve chances, NOT FUCKING SECOND CHANCE. THOUSAND AND THOUSAND OF CHANCEs. no matter what the fuck you do. you sin against GOD so many time and GOD forgive each time. but you shitting ppl cant forgive one another. THAT SHOW WHO CHRISTIAN IS?? THINK IDOITS THINK!!
  • people this day like to criticise things and other people
well fuck you! you know wat JESUS say?? DON'T go and tell your brother that there is a saw dust in his eye, when there is a BIG PLANK on your face. so don't tell ppl that they did wrong.. fuck you!! check yourself if you sin or not!! if it is a friendly advice then THANKS a lot! but if i can sense it is not!! HAHAHAHA!!! FUCK OFF!!
i think i should end my blog. no one read my blog anyways.

1 comment:

ginakia said...

When Noah was drunk in his tent after the flood, one of his son came into tent accidentally. He went to tell his brothers instead. The brothers came back by walking backwards into the tent and covered their dad. Ham was cursed by his dad cuz he went to gossip rather than helping his dad after his dad sinned.

People who always complain and gossip are sinning. Instead we should go and help other christians who have sinned.

People may have done us wrong but rather than cursing them, we need to reach out to them with the heart of Christ. Humility and compassion for others is more important than getting back or being right.

Praying for ya buddy.

