Monday, June 16, 2008

the example

hey guys... and gals!!
i gonna tell a story that some1 told me, that may help u to different shade what is rite, and what is not...
One fine morning, two boys was asking their father rather or not can they go watch a movie. The boys told the title of the movie to their father. When their father heard of it, he didn't allow them to watch that movie because their are some parts of the movie is dirty. The two boys said " why can't we watch it DAD?? it is only a small part, the movie is 2 hours plus and that small dirty part is only 1 or 2 minutes". Their father still said no. The two boys was frustrated about it.
When it was afternoon, Their father was baking brownies. So the kids thought that the reason their father bake brownies is because he regret and feel guilty for not letting them go to the movie. Soon after the brownies was done, the father ask his two sons to him so that they could taste the brownies. As they were eat, The Father told them he put in a secret ingredients into the brownies and he said that they can't taste it. It is only very little portion of the brownies, and he ask them to guess. After many times of guessing, they gave up. When the last piece of brownies were about to finish chewing in their mouth, their father told them the secret ingredient was poop(shit). The boys vomit the thing out the brownies that they were eating. Then their father ask them "why spit out the brownies?". The boys replied " there is poop in it".
Their Father ask them " but why?? it is only a lil small part of the brownies, the brownies is so big and the amount of poop i put in is so little". And he continue " same thing goes fot the movie, the movie is so big and the dirty part is so little but still to GOD it is still BAD!!". Those two boys learn their lesson that their father thought them.

so how and what do u thing of this?? do you guys understand this story?? i know my English grammar and everything is bad... in other word my English cacat la... lol... l8r from this story...

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